Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day 7 of being Wheat-Free

Today is day 7 of being Wheat-free. I feel GREAT! I only had one migraine this week and it was on Tuesday. I really think it was because I didn't have caffeine on Monday. Since our bad wreck I have gotten bad migraines a couples times a week sometimes more so it was really nice only having one this week. 

It's amazing what cutting out wheat will do to you. I haven't been hungry very much this week and I haven't had any food cravings. I used to love donuts and would always want one, but this week I haven't even wanted one. :)

The bad stomach pains I was having since April are gone. I am still having some pain off and on in my upper quadrant under my rib cage, but that is Costochondritis. Costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage that attaches the ribs to the breastbone. I was diagnosed with it in July. It is not as bad as it has been. I'm so glad it is improving, I had a lot of days where it hurt so bad to move. I did not have any days like that this week. I'm sure the pain will eventually go away completely. 

I have had a LOT more energy this week and had more focus. I have also been in a better mood and had no moodiness or depression. PCOS causes you to be moody and depressed so I'm so glad they have improved.

I have not taken my diabetic medication this week either because my blood sugars have been normal. It still feels weird to have normal blood sugar because my body was so use to it being high all the time even with the medication. With it being normal it still makes me feel like it's low but every time I check to see it is normal.  

My face is looking thinner already and I measured on day 5 and have already lost 1 inch in my stomach and 1 inch in my hips. I'm going to measure again tomorrow and check my weight.

I'm still reading the book, "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis and I'm learning a lot. I highly recommend the book and the lifestyle. It is so worth it!!

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