Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Second week being Wheat-free

I'm almost half way through my second week being wheat-free. I feel great except today I have ovarian cysts rupturing and causing me to have bad ovary and stomach pains. :( It's not as bad this evening as it was this morning. I couldn't move without a lot of pain this morning. 

Going wheat-free is the best thing I have ever done. I still have a lot more energy, hardly hungry and have to make myself eat. lol I have been sleeping better and feel better overall. 

I highly recommend everyone going wheat-free and gluten free. I wish I would have done it a long time ago. 

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to turkey, potatoes and pumpkin pie without the crust. Stuffing has always been one of my favorites on Thanksgiving but it has wheat and gluten in it so I'm not eating it this year. Next year I plan to make a big wheat-free/gluten free Thanksgiving. :)

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :) 

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