Sunday, November 17, 2013

My decision to go Wheat-free

When I was around 8 years old I was diagnosed with being allergic to wheat. That was in the 1980's. Back then people didn't know how to cut wheat out of their diet. Wheat is in a lot of things that most people do not realize it is in including shampoo, soaps, lotions, make up, soups etc. I did not realize it is in shampoo, lotions and make up. I thought it was just in stuff like wheat bread and other products that had wheat in the name of it. 

I thought I out grew my wheat allergy but in April of this year (2013) I started getting really bad stomach pains every day. Nothing helped with the pain. We did not have health insurance so I couldn't go to the doctor to get checked out. The last month the pains seemed like they were getting worse. It hurt so bad to move some days. I started doing research and found that wheat can cause all of the pains I was having. I came across an article talking about the book, "Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path to Health" by William Davis MD.

I got the book from the library and read it last week. I cut most wheat out of my diet last week. The pains in my stomach were not as bad as they had been. If I didn't eat wheat then I had no pain but as soon as I ate wheat the bad pains would start again. So I knew I had to go wheat free.

Today is my last day eating wheat. I had some of my favorite things today (a long john donut, cinnamon-sugar Pringles & spaghetti. I love donuts and pasta but I am willing to give them up so I have no pains. We hardly ever got donuts because of the sugar since I'm type 2 diabetic, but we ate pasta a lot. No food is worth having the pains that I have been having. 

The good news is there is plenty of wheat-free foods that I love too including vanilla ice cream. I love ice cream. :) 

I am so excited to start the wheat-free journey and to see my health improve. Dr. Davis is a cardiologist and he said if you follow his wheat-free lifestyle you will lose weight, get healthier and feel a lot better. Most people who followed his lifestyle got to cut their medications way down and a lot of people got to quit taking their medications because their illnesses and diseases were cured or controlled with just eating foods that had no wheat in them. 

I am also excited to see how going wheat-free helps my PCOS-Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and my Type 2 diabetes. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 1998 and with Type 2 Diabetes in 2001.  

I am going to blog about my journey so everyone can follow along if they want to. :)

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